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Breast reduction surgery is often performed on ladies with large and heavy breasts that causes discomfort such as neck pain, back pain, and numbness or weakness due to the weight of the breasts.
Breast reduction, also known as mammoplasty, is a procedure of removal of excess breast tissue (glands, subcutaneous tissue and skin). A part of this operation may also be an amendment of the shape of the breasts so that their size is in proportion to your body. This operation is performed for aesthetic or medical reasons, which include back or cervical spine pain. In common reduction mammoplasty, the mammary gland function remains intact.
Mastopexy is an amendment of the shape of the breasts, where the breast tissue is not being reduced, but only the excess skin, whereby the areola is moved up by a few centimetres. The aim of this operation is the return of an aesthetically desirable shape of the breasts.
The operation consists of:
Recovery period after breast reduction can take up to 6 weeks. The final result will be obvious after several weeks, that’s why you need to wear postoperative compression bra for up to 3 months after the procedure to achieve best results. You will need to take 1-2 weeks off work. Driving is not recommended for the first couple of weeks until you feel comfortable to wear a seatbelt. You should avoid exercising and lifting heavy things for the first 6 weeks after the surgery allowing your body to fully recover. The post-operative compression bra stabilises the breast, increases the blood circulation and speeds up the healing process while reducing potential risk by securing the position of the breast. It is easy to put on after the procedure, due to front fastening.